Grace hopper was born on December 9th 1906 and is known for her impact that she made in the technology field as a woman. She was the first woman at yale to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics in 1934, after receiving that she went on to get another Ph in mathematic physic. Grace became a mathematics professor at Vasser College after she graduated. Shortly after World War II started Grace Hopper tried to enlist in the navy but they denied her because she was to old and underweight, so she joined the navy reserves instead. She worked on the Harvard mark I team and join the Ecket Mauchly computer corporation where she developed the UNIVAC computer. Grace also coined the word bug as in a mess up in the computer system. She was also the first to develop a machine independent computer language. Through her lifetime Grace won dozens of awards but some of her most popular ones include the society of women engineers and the presidential medal of freedom. After her death in January 1992 Hopper had a military vessel named after her.
To learn more about Grace Hopper, check out these sources
Margret Hamilton was born on August 17, 1936 in Padi, Indiana. She studied mathematics at the university of Michigan and then transferred to Earlham college. Margret taught mathematics at George C Marshall high school. In July of 1960 she moved to Boston and started a new job as a professor at MIT. At MIT she worked on a programing software that helped predict the weather, similar to meteorologists. From 1961 to 1963 Margret worked with Nasa on the semi-automatic ground environment project The project was used in the air force to identify enemy aircrafts. This caught NASAs attention and they hired her to lead a team where she wrote computer coding on the apollo missions While doing this Margret and her team believe they deserved a bigger title, so she named herself a software engineer because she believed she was doing just as much work as the other engineers. Later in life Margret was awarded the Exceptional space act award by NASA and the Presidential medal of freedom by the president at the time Barack Obama.
To learn more about Margret Hamilton, check out these sources
Glady West was born October 27th 1930. As Galdy grew up she reccived a full scholarship tp virgina state college and earned a degree in mathematics in 1952. She then got her masters in math in 1965. Glady West had big controbutions to mathmatical modeling and the irregular shape of the earth. She also worked on the development of the saltilite, which is now incorporated into the gps. I think it is reall awesome that a women at that timw was apart of that kind of turnng point for the US. Glady is now 92 and retired.
To learn more about Glady West, check out these sources
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